Visitor Management

Simplify Your Visitor Sign-In Process

Keeping facilities secure is more than just implementing physical security measures. It is important now more than ever to know who comes onto your premises and have the ability to monitor them effectively. Our visitor management solution allows visitors to be pre-authorized for a visit through a review process as well as supports walk-in visits. Our Visitor Management solution enables front desk personnel to quickly run a check against denied party lists whilst simultaneously processing them and printing a badge. Our signing-in system gives quick and accurate visitor sign-in information allowing you to greet your guests quickly and professionally whilst maintaining the best customer service at the click of a button.


Easy to Use Web-Based Solution

Eliminate your existing paper-based visitor log books and handwritten badges.


User-Friendly Screens

Minimize repetitive data entry and human error with real-time collaboration.


ITAR/EAR Reporting Mechanisms

Advanced VM features combined with sanctions and watch list screening.


Secure & Customizable Reporting

Archive enhanced security through secured networks and biometrics.


Protect Your Business

Manage your information and assets with our trademark technologies.


Manage Your Security Process

Automate security processes, eliminate the potential for human error, ensure compliance, and protect your organizational assets.

Web-Based Solution

Gain worldwide access through a standard browser with real-time collaboration for entry, review, approval and denial. Descartes OCR, Global EASE’s Visitor Management software provides a unified secure system to manage global facilities.

Manage Visitor Verification

Verify identifying documents and scan individuals across GSA SAM US Sanctions Lists.

Configurable Security Questionnaire

Customize the check in process to fit each site’s unique needs. Configurable pre-entry registration allows for visit classification and helps dictate security protocol.

A Scalable Solution for Your Organization

EASE Enterprise Suite provides software solutions to multiple departments in your organization.

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