Corporate, Legal & Compliance

Denied Party and Sanction Screening
Search the most comprehensive set of worldwide lists from government and non-government sources including OFAC, AML, PEP, Medical & Pharmaceutical exclusions, law enforcement, and much more.

Export Control and HTS Classification
Analyze and validate customs tariffs and export control classifications according to specific customs tariffs and export control commodity lists.

License Request Workflow
Manage and track transaction-specific export licenses, agreements, exceptions, and exemptions.

DOC/DOCS License Applications
Electronically sign and submit license applications directly to government agencies.

Global License and Permit Applications
Access a centralized electronic repository for all global license applications and supporting documentation.

Authorization Lifecycle Management
Effectively monitor activity related to any authorization type, as well as other documents relevant to international trade.

Export License Control Screening
Automate screening for denied parties and export license requirements.

Technical Data Transfer Management
Assist with end-to-end export workflow of technical data/technology (tech data) and defense services.

Export and Customs Management
Leverage transaction data for customs filing in ACE including connectivity to global customs agencies.

Enterprise Visitor Management
Combines VM features with Watch List screening including GSA SAM federal exclusions list and automated compliance documentation.

Incident Tracking and Disclosure
Enable corporations to implement a uniform and consistent corporate wide policy, and internal review process, to evaluate all incident reports, audit findings, identify corrective actions, and when necessary prepare voluntary disclosures for the government.